Thursday, March 15, 2012

energy drinks (blurrrgghhhhh)

i feal really sick as before school i had a monster (midnight edition) which is bassicly an expresso coffee packed with every thing a normal version would have ... SO MUCH CAFFIENE!!!!!!!! then i had another energy drink which didnt help. i felt crap the whole day then i had a bottle of boost after school i feal aweful and want to be sick  but cant, i wont be able to sleep either. omg i wanna die my head hurts so much!!!!!!!!!
=( i ... i...  argghhh i cant do this anymore =( im too dizzy and =# had to zip my mouth as i was about to spew out a whole chain of 'naughty' words stay tuned


  1. Hi Robert :D :D Didn't know you had a blog until Emma's latest post |: Is the answer to your riddle yesterday, today and tomorrow? If it is can I have a purple fishy thank youuuu

  2. SOZ dont know how to get purple but will blue do if so enjoy your new fish =D
    a new riddle will be posted soon
