Monday, June 18, 2012

sorry mary

recently i have not been fair to you at all and am always teasing you. for this i am sorry. ha got ya im not opoligising because its fun to tease each other dont you agree because you give as good as you get

Post-it-notes... what a great idea

i've thought long and hard about post-it-notes and their many uses. i have discovered that they can really annoy postmen. I decided it would be a good idea to leave this message on a letterbox : sorry but i might of misunderstood the purpose of this urinal shaped object please check if mail is stained or sticky. also before i go its time for the news - breaking news- snow white has been chucked out of disneyland for sitting on pinochio's face and yelling "LIE YOU BASTARD... LIE ... LIE". in other news we have a report on tarzan -aparently whenever he got horny he would have to have sex with reasonably sized holes in trees so when we sent a reporter to interview him he stuck his hand up her (cough cough)and felt around- his explanation i always check  for squirrels first. and that was the news

Friday, April 6, 2012

suprise !!!!

ok so i was lying in bed and mum came in and said were going to the beach! yay!!! so we went to the beach and walked along the seafront:( then we sat  down and were traditional and had ht cross buns =D then we carried on walking and then the surprise we were going to adventure island bet day ever xxx

Thursday, April 5, 2012


sorry i havent posted in ages guys my laptop got converscated. hmm what have i been up 2 recently : had a german friend round, went for walks, homework, played rugby :D, cleared up my room, trashed my room, cleared my room again, got grounded, got grounded again, found out mums alergic to dogs :_( but maybe not all dogs :P, saw emma and got my shoes eaten by dogs, saw family, saw more family, went to a few resteraunts,watched loads of tv, drank loads of tea and coffee ( my life support system), went swimming, spoe to mary, fixed max and jacobs friendship, did loads of fn lessons, played street football, nearly got grounded today- need to try harder nxt time and that pretty much 
brings us up to date blog  soon

Saturday, March 17, 2012


today was amazing as we went too look at dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are soooo cute ! ilove them, well not as much as emma obviously but loads if you want to see a picture type 'brittany puppies' into googl images

Friday, March 16, 2012


i love today. i had loads of easy lessons and feal much better than yesterday (energy drink crisis) also i got to muck about wiv emma =D( love you babe) my fun snaps were prevented from being thrown at dogs and we  talked about everything. stay tuned for more 'positive' messaging.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


i recently found out that i seem to be moaning alot soz if it came accross like that so here are a list of things that i love:
being a smart arse
making people look dumb
the list goes on but that would take forever so stay tuned for the new and improved (mainly) positive posts

energy drinks (blurrrgghhhhh)

i feal really sick as before school i had a monster (midnight edition) which is bassicly an expresso coffee packed with every thing a normal version would have ... SO MUCH CAFFIENE!!!!!!!! then i had another energy drink which didnt help. i felt crap the whole day then i had a bottle of boost after school i feal aweful and want to be sick  but cant, i wont be able to sleep either. omg i wanna die my head hurts so much!!!!!!!!!
=( i ... i...  argghhh i cant do this anymore =( im too dizzy and =# had to zip my mouth as i was about to spew out a whole chain of 'naughty' words stay tuned

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

street football

i know you shouldnt hurt little kids or anything but when they start to piss you off you need self controll... really badly
when i was playing street football wiv delphin and josh there were about ten year 5 kids there ... all off the footballers that age are ball hogs. NO ONE WAS PASSING!!!!! 
AND ARE GOALKEEPER LET IN ALL OF THE SHOTS AS HE WAS GOAL HANGING ON THE OTHER END OF THE PITCH!!!!!! you may be wondering why i didnt thump any of them : being 8 means their protected.
one ... yes only one year 5 was any good and he was too good he was in hutton a, chelsea and could skill a player with his eyes closed. one problem he was on te other team. he... just like everyone else didnt pass exept to delphin. I HATE LITTLE KIDS!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

crap days

today sucked as i had double geography... and french!!!!!!!!!! aggggggrrhhhhhh!!!!!!!
i hate today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Monday, March 12, 2012

best day ever

today at school i had music art and drama all in the same day =D one thing though 'miss' reccommendd me to sing i reapeat sing at the spring concert

Sunday, March 11, 2012

grounded (again)

crap!!!!!!! im grounded again!!!!!! but on the bright side i nearly got carded in my last ever football game, so close =(