Friday, April 6, 2012

suprise !!!!

ok so i was lying in bed and mum came in and said were going to the beach! yay!!! so we went to the beach and walked along the seafront:( then we sat  down and were traditional and had ht cross buns =D then we carried on walking and then the surprise we were going to adventure island bet day ever xxx

Thursday, April 5, 2012


sorry i havent posted in ages guys my laptop got converscated. hmm what have i been up 2 recently : had a german friend round, went for walks, homework, played rugby :D, cleared up my room, trashed my room, cleared my room again, got grounded, got grounded again, found out mums alergic to dogs :_( but maybe not all dogs :P, saw emma and got my shoes eaten by dogs, saw family, saw more family, went to a few resteraunts,watched loads of tv, drank loads of tea and coffee ( my life support system), went swimming, spoe to mary, fixed max and jacobs friendship, did loads of fn lessons, played street football, nearly got grounded today- need to try harder nxt time and that pretty much 
brings us up to date blog  soon